evans 4life waterless cooling evans 4life waterless coolant waterless cooling

joe umstead

Click the image above for Joe’s story

Tried, tested and trusted by Joe Umstead plus thousands more
New to the UK, Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolants have been in use for nearly two decades in the USA and 7+ years in China. During this time Evans have commissioned many trials to prove their products significantly reduce operating costs and improve engine reliability. Although all Evans conversions have proven successful, one installation still stands out…

Joe Umstead, an independent trucker, operates a Freightliner fitted with a 12.7 litre Series 60 Detroit Diesel engine. In 1991 Joe had been having engine cooling problems associated to corrosion inhibitor drop-out. After replacing the radiator he was determined to find a more reliable antifreeze and turned to Evans Cooling for help.

Tom Light, Evans Chief Engineer, recommended their prototype 4LIFE Waterless Coolant, which was duly installed along with Hi-Flo Thermostats and Fan-Miser Module.

Since conversion the Freightliner has covered more than a million miles without needing to top-up or replace the 4LIFE Waterless Coolant. Joe has been very impressed with the improved engine reliability and reduced maintenance costs, but what really delighted him was the associated fuel saving.

The Freightliner mileage log confirms that his fuel bills went down by more than 7% following the conversion, which in hard-cash terms equates to £3750/- saving for every 100,000 miles travelled.

UK Trials
Although Joe Umstead is Evans longest standing customer, there are thousands of other converts and many on-going trials with major logistics organisations and OEM’s. To establish the Evans brand in the UK a limited number of gratia Economax trials will be offered to fleet operators.

As 4LIFE Waterless Coolants are already proven to improve engine reliability and reduce maintenance costs, the primary purpose of the trials will be to verify the associated fuel saving.

greenlane telematics


Performance verification by
Greenlane Telematics

To record how much fuel is saved, every Economax trial will utilise state of the art CAN-Bus engine monitoring equipment. Also referred to as telematics, the science of measuring engine performance is now widely employed by manufacturers and fleet owners alike.

Evans, in association with Greenlane Telematics, have developed the Eco-Map fuel and emissions monitoring package. Data is captured via the Eco-Map package and can be viewed on-line and/or stored for retrospective analysis. Eco-Map also records the reduction of CO2 and NOX emissions. For more information on engine and vehicle monitoring please refer to




Evans Cooling Systems UK | Unit 5 | Europa Way | Swansea West Business Park | Fforestfach | Swansea | SA5 4AJ
01792 572299 | 01792 561606 | uksales@evanscooling.uk.com

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