waterless cooling solutions evans 4life waterless coolant waterless cooling

Development of 4LIFE Waterless Coolants and the Economax Engine Cooling System
Jack Evans, founder of Evans Cooling Systems and Tom Light, Evans Chief Engineer, have spent a lifetime designing high performance cooling systems for internal combustion engines. Both are well known and highly respected throughout the Nascar racing fraternity and responsible for many unique cooling innovations. Ferrari and General Motors are just two notable OEM’s that have benefited from Evans experience and design skills.

Stage 1
During their research Jack and Tom identified that, although it was possible to tune an engine to achieve maximum output, a limiting factor was removing the extra heat generated by burning more fuel. Specifically the physical limits of water based coolants were being exceeded – please refer to ‘Physical limitation of water based coolants’ overleaf.

Stage 2
Over an extended period the Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolant was formulated, tested and perfected. With a boiling point above 180°C efficient heat transfer was restored and all the issues associated to over-heating eliminated - even at maximum engine output. To compliment their high boiling point Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolants have been proven to last for an engine lifetime.

Stage 3
Having formulated an engine coolant that eliminated Departure from Nucleate Boiling (see fig.1 overleaf), Evans examined the benefits of raising coolant temperatures above the conventional 95°C. Further research established that higher coolant temperatures actually improved engine efficiency, lowered fuel consumption and reduced thermal stress. After thorough investigation and verification of lube oil capabilities a new maximum coolant temperature of 110°C was confirmed.

Stage 4
To accommodate the benefits identified in Stage 3 it was necessary to design a Hi-Flo Thermostat that would open at 102°C and a Fan-Miser Module to raise the fan on-off temperatures to 110-104°C. This compares with 85°C and 95-89°C respectively for water based cooling systems. The final Economax ECS comprises; 4LIFE Waterless Coolant, Hi-Flo Thermostat and Fan-Miser Module.

Stage 5
Following many successful Nascar trials an Economax ECS was fitted to a 12.7 litre Series 60 Detroit Diesel truck engine, operated by Joe Umstead on sub-contract to North American Van Lines. Since conversion Joe’s truck has covered over a million miles without a hitch.

Stage 6
More recently Evans have been fitting Economax ECS to fleet vehicles, large and small. In addition to fuel savings of 4-7% all operators have reported improved engine reliability and reduced maintenance demands. Trials are currently being run within several very large fleets and two significant OEM’s. One OEM is considering a joint venture with Evans to retrofit all their existing engines and fit Economax ECS to all new engines.

Stage 7
Appointment of USA based distributors and conversion centres to supply and fit Economax ECS. There are now more than 75 stockists and 6 conversion centres, with more opening all the time.

Stage 8
Introduction of the Economax ECS to China, UK, Europe etc. Since being established in 2003 Evans China has converted more than 200,000 engines and recently commissioned a new factory to cope with increasing demand. Evans UK operates from a purpose built facility in Swansea and has a network of installers distributed throughout Britain and Ireland. Sales to Europe will be co-ordinated by Evans UK.



Evans Cooling Systems UK | Unit 5 | Europa Way | Swansea West Business Park | Fforestfach | Swansea | SA5 4AJ
01792 572299 | 01792 561606 | uksales@evanscooling.uk.com

waterless cooling

waterless engine coolant waterless cooling


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