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Evans USA proves improvement to fuel economy using 4LIFE Waterless Coolants
Sharon, Connecticut – May 3, 2010 – Evans Cooling Systems USA today announced results from over a year’s worth of fuel economy testing. Evans has been testing its 4LIFE Waterless Coolants in waste collection vehicles, over the road trucks, and buses, with fuel savings ranging from 3% to 7%.

Year-long test results gathered at USA Hauling, a Connecticut based refuse fleet, showed fuel savings of 7.2%. At Veolia Environmental Services in Wisconsin, an on-going trial has returned a fuel economy improvement of 4.2% for the 7 month period through April. Mike Tourville, Evans USA Marketing Director, expected the Veolia savings to increase as ambient temperatures rise. The Pioneer Valley Transit Authority in Springfield, Massachusetts conducted a year-long evaluation on several city buses and achieved fuel savings of 4.4%.

Tourville said, “In each of these cases, Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolant facilitated the unique fuel saving technique of increasing the temperature at which the radiator fan actuates. Radiator fans for heavy duty engines draw considerable power while running and increasing fan-on temperatures saves fuel because the fans run less frequently.” He added that “The use of 4LIFE Waterless Coolants also enables increasing the engine thermostat temperature for saving fuel, a technique proven at Auburn University.”

The PAVE Research Centre at Auburn University conducted an SAE Type II Fuel Consumption Test (J1321) using two Detroit Diesel-powered trucks from its fleet. The test truck was converted to 4LIFE Waterless Coolant and its thermostats were replaced with Hi-Flo thermostats actuating at 215°F.

To remove the fans from being a variable, the fans of both trucks were locked “on” 100% of the time. The test truck achieved a 3.04% improvement in fuel economy over the control truck. The full report is available from Evans and via PAVE’s website: www.pavetrack.com

According to Tom Light, Chief Engineer for Evans USA, “4LIFE Waterless Coolants enable heavy duty engines to exploit fuel saving techniques that involve higher coolant temperatures.

Specifically the engine metal temperatures remain under control and no vapor (steam) is generated between hot metal and liquid coolant.” He added that, “Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolant works because of the huge separation between its operating temperature and its boiling point.

A fan-on temperature of 230°F, for example, is more than 100°F colder than 4LIFE ’s boiling point of 375°F, but very close to the failure temperature of a water-based coolant.”

Important maintenance benefits also derive from the very large separation between operating temperature and boiling point. Results from the John Deere Engine Cavitation Test (now ASTM Test Procedure D-7583) prove that Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolants provide the best protection against cavitation erosion (vibration pitting) of cylinder liners as compared to any other coolant. (4LIFE performed 70% better than the second-best fluid). “With 4LIFE, the coolant is so much colder than its boiling point that vibration doesn’t cause vapor to form and collapse, scrubbing the cylinder liner as is the case with water-based coolants,” Light said.

The pressure in the expansion tank comes solely from heat expansion of the fluid and there is no pressure component from vapor. If the cap is removed from a hot engine, there is no gusher of steam and boiling coolant. The lower cooling system pressure reduces stress on cooling system plumbing and hoses.

The fuel economy testing Evans Cooling Systems has completed confirms the fuel savings advantages that Evans 4LIFE Waterless Coolants can deliver for trucking fleets, waste management vehicles, buses and other heavy duty engine applications.

Mike Tourville of Evans said “With the rising cost of fuel, fleets and owner-operators need to find ways to control expenses and, as these tests show, Evans Cooling Systems is helping to improve fuel economy and reduce maintenance costs.”


Evans Cooling Systems UK | Unit 5 | Europa Way | Swansea West Business Park | Fforestfach | Swansea | SA5 4AJ
01792 572299 | 01792 561606 | uksales@evanscooling.uk.com

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